branchiostegal rays造句

"branchiostegal rays"是什么意思   


  1. It is unique among rattails in having 7 branchiostegal rays and a large gill opening.
  2. The branchiostegal rays number 7 & ndash; 8 and the vertebrae 24 & ndash; 31.
  3. The branchiostegal rays ( bony rays supporting the gill membranes behind the lower jaw ) number two to four.
  4. Next, a branchiostegal ray ( a modified gill arch ) pushes the water down the esophagus into the stomach.
  5. Their branchiostegal rays are 6-10, three of them attach to the focus well on objects both close and far.
  6. It's difficult to find branchiostegal rays in a sentence. 用branchiostegal rays造句挺难的
  7. Also absent are the premaxilla, orbitosphenoid, symplectic, posttemporal, and supratemporal bones, the gill rakers, and the branchiostegal rays.
  8. "T . guacamaya " is distinguished from all congeners by the presence of three opercle and five branchiostegal rays, while " T . ternetzi " and " T . lundbergi " have no odontodes and four branchiostegal rays.
  9. "T . guacamaya " is distinguished from all congeners by the presence of three opercle and five branchiostegal rays, while " T . ternetzi " and " T . lundbergi " have no odontodes and four branchiostegal rays.
  10. They are different from all other ceratioid families in having dorsal-fin rays 3 ( rarely 4 ), anal-fin rays 3 ( rarely 2 or 4 ), branchiostegal rays 5 ( rarely 4 ), and a sinistral ( opens to the left ) anus.
  11. In both sexes, the fins are spineless : the single dorsal fin with 5  6 soft rays, the pectoral fins with 14  18, the anal fin with four, and the caudal fin with 19 . There are six branchiostegal rays and 19 vertebrae; the parietal is lacking throughout life, there are no epurals, and the pelvic bone is triradiate.
  12. "A . guttatus " is easily differentiated from other members of the " A . ischnosoma " group by a slender ( vs . moderately thick ) humeral process ( maximum width 10.0 & ndash; 11.8 % its length vs . 13.2 & ndash; 18.4 ) . " A . mahakamensis " is differentiated from other members of its group by a rounded ( vs . angular ) anterior margin of the anal fin, and a more slender body . " A . septentrionalis " can be differentiated by members of the " A . ischnoma " group by a smaller dorsal to adipose distance ( 4.4 & ndash; 5.7 % standard length vs . 6.2 & ndash; 9.8 ), fewer branchiostegal rays ( 4 vs . 5 & ndash; 6 ) and an almost uniformly cream colour pattern with few very small brown spots ( vs . a variegated colour pattern with numerous brown patches ) . " A . strigosus " can be differentiated from members of the " A . ischnosoma " species group by a rounded ( vs . angular ) posterior margin of the adipose fin and a more slender body; the genital papilla in male " A . strigosus " is also morphologically different from other members of its species group ( short and thick vs . long and thin ) . " A . ischnosoma " is distinguished from other members of the " A . ischnosoma " group by a greater distance between the dorsal fin and adipose fin ( 9.0 & ndash; 10.1 % SL vs . 4.4 & ndash; 8.7 ) and a greater exposure of the premaxillary teeth when the mouth is closed ( one-third vs . less than one-fifth to none ) . " A . gyrinus " can be distinguished from its congeners by a concave posterior margin of the pectoral fin.


  1. "branchiostegal"造句
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  9. "branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense"造句
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